The Responsibilities of a Government


The government is a group of people who make the rules and laws that we live by. It also makes sure the rules are followed and judges any conflicts between different sets of rules. Governments come in many forms, but all governments have some of the same basic responsibilities. The responsibilities of a government include creating and enforcing the rules of society, providing security, delivering public services, and managing foreign affairs and economics. Governments also protect the rights of citizens, including freedom of speech and religion.

Governments are usually organized into branches. Each branch has its own job, but they all work together to perform the functions of the government. The branches of the United States government are the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch. The Constitution of the United States describes how these branches should work together. The founding fathers made the Constitution to help ensure that the United States would have a good government.

The branches of the United States government work together to make sure that Congress’ laws are followed. The Executive Branch, which includes the President and other cabinet members, enforces these laws. The Judicial Branch interprets laws and evaluates new ones that are proposed by the legislative and executive branches. This branch also checks to see if the laws are fair and constitutional.

In addition to establishing and enforcing rules, the United States government provides services such as education, health care, and the safety of its citizens. Governments can raise funds to pay for these services by taxing the population.

Those taxes are used to provide services at the local, state, and national levels. For example, at the local level, representatives elected by citizens vote for money that will be spent on things like public schools, roads, and firefighting. At the state level, money is used for things like preserving wildlife and maintaining state colleges and universities. At the national level, funds are used for national defense, Social Security, and paying veterans’ pensions.

The people who run the government must make tough choices about what is important. For example, if the government is more concerned with security than liberty, it may allow law enforcement to tap citizens’ phones or restrict what newspapers can publish. The way these decisions are made should be clear to the citizens of the country. The more the government is open with its citizens, the more they will understand and participate in governing themselves.